Question: I suffer from waswasa regarding wudu’, salat, purification, and intention. What is the remedy for this?
Waswasa (pl. wasawis) means harmful misgivings and delusion. It is stated in a hadith-i sharif:
(Waswasa is from Shaitan. Beware of the wasawis of Shaitan when you are making wudu’, performing ghusl, and cleaning impurity.) [Tirmidhi]
Following waswasa is a sin. It is makruh to perform salat behind an imam who has been plagued...
Tuesday, 18 February 2014
Monday, 13 January 2014
Question: Though those who leave obligatory acts of worship and commit forbidden acts will become beneficiary of intercession and though our Master the Prophet said, "I will intercede for a person who commits major sins," is it right to claim that one who does not do a sunnat will not become beneficiary of intercession (shafa'ah)?
The word sunnat has three meanings:
1. When we say "Kitab and Sunnat", the word sunnat herein means hadith-i...
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Question: A writer claims what Ibn Taymiyyah said, "It is not necessary to make up missed salats. Instead of it, one must perform plenty of voluntary salats and do a lot of good deeds." Do good deeds replace salat?
Hadrat Ibrahim Muhammad Nashat states:
"All scholars have declared that it is a grave sin to omit salat and that it is necessary to make it up if one has omitted it. Ibn Taymiyyah said, 'A person who omitted salat deliberately...
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Question: A writer says, "It is the right of Christians to celebrate their religious festivals. Muslims, too, should share in the joy of Ahl al-Kitab, with whom they live in peace on the basis of mutual respect, and celebrate their religious festivals. I do not see any harm in this." Does it not take a Muslim out of the fold of Islam? In Islam, is it permissible to celebrate religious festivals of non-Muslims?
It is in no way permissible....
Tuesday, 20 August 2013

How to perform salah (salat, prayer, namaz) in Shafi'i?
1> Stand up facing Kabah. It is called Qayam( or qiyam). The space between feet should be about a hand span (not more). They should be pointing towards Kabah.
2> Say, "I pray four rakah (or two, three etc..) Fard of salat al-isha <or asr, fajr etc..> (if its Fard...