How to perform salah (salat, prayer, namaz) in Shafi'i?
1> Stand up facing Kabah. It is called Qayam( or qiyam). The space between feet should be about a hand span (not more). They should be pointing towards Kabah.
2> Say, "I pray four rakah (or two, three etc..) Fard of salat al-isha <or asr, fajr etc..> (if its Fard or say Sunnat if its Sunnat or Say Nafil if its Nafil) for Allah Tala ( you can add'Face towards Kabah')". If praying behind Imam add "Behind this Imam". It is called Niyat (niyyah, Intention).
It is fard to say the Niyat. Niyat is made in your heart, you can made niyat verbally as well (with heart). Uttering niyat by mouth is sunnat in tha Shafi'i Maddhab. (making niyat in heart is obligatory and must be made with Allah Hu Akbar at the same time)
3> Raise both of your hands next to each ears. Touch the lobes of your each ear with thumbs. Palms must be towards Kabah. Then say "Allah Hu Akbar"
4> Place the hands above navel and to the left, right hand on top of left hand. Thumb and the index finger should be wraped around the wrist of left hand's wrist. Rest of the three fingers of right hand should be held the left hand. see image
5> Now Read, “Veccehtu vechiye lillezi fetares-semavati vel-erda hanifen muslimen vema ene minel-muşrikine inne salati ve nüsuki ve mahyaye ve memati lillahi rabbil-alemine laşerike lehu ve bizalike umirtu ve ene minel-muslimine.” Wait a little.
6> Then read, "Auzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim" Wait a little.
Then read, "Bismillah Hir Rahmaanir Rahim" Wait a little.
7> Then read Surah Fatiha, "Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil Aalamin Ar Rahmaanir Rahim Maaliki Yaomid Din iyya Kana Budu Wa iyya kanastain ihdinas Siratual Mustaqim Siratual Lazina An Amtaa Alaihim Ghairil Maghdubi Alaihim Walad Duallin...Amin" Wait a little.
8> Then read, "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Rahim". Wait a little.
9> Then read any surrah from Quran or at least three Ayats(at least 30 letters). For example; " Wal A'sre Innal Insaana Lafi Khusr illal Lazina Aamanu Wa A'milus Sualihaati Wa Tawa Sau Bil Haqqi Wa Tawa Sau Bis Sabr " Wait a little.
10> Then Say "Allah Hu Akbar" and bow (its called Ruku), hold your knees with your hands. The fingers should be separated with gaps in them. The back should be horizontally strait in line like a board. (see image)
11> Recite, "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azim we bihamdihi" at least three times. Wait a little.
12> Then start to stand up saying, "Sami Allahu Layman Hamidah - Rabbana Lakal Hamd" Start to say Sami when leaving Rukh (bowing poster) and end with Hamidah when you are fully erect. Wait a little.
13> Now say, "Allah Hu Akbar"

14> Now go to Sajdah (placing face on ground). In sajdah all the fingers of feet should be twisted so that the round soft part of the fingers is touching the ground. Hands should be on the same line with shoulders. Hand fingers shouldn't be separated with gaps and should be facing Kabah in strait line. Put enough pressure on nose so that the bone of nose should feel the hardness of earth (do not hurt your self but should be firm). Arms should be away from body like a bird opens the wings. see image
15> Now read, "Subhaana Rabbiyal Aa'la we bi hamdihi" at least three times. Wait a little,
16> Now sit down on your left foot (It's called Jalsa. Jalsa means, Sitting for a while between the two sajdas) the right foot should be sticking out and all of the foot fingers should be twisted. The soft part of the foot fingers should touch the ground. see image. Sit for the amount of time you could say Subhan Allah.(Tadil-i Arkan)
17> Now go back to sajdah and perform as you did before Jalsa.
18> After completing second sajdah, sit for a while then get up and go back to Qayam (standing up) Saying "Allah Hu Akbar". Then read , "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Rahim" Wait a little,
19> Now again read Surah Fatiha, Wait a little,
20> Then read, "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Rahim" Wait a little,
Then again read any surrah from Quran or at least three Ayats(at least 30 letters). Here is another small one. Surah Al kausar, "Innaa Aataina Kal Kauser Fasalli Li Rabbi Ka Vanhar Inna Shaaniaka Hual Abtar". Wait a little and repeat the steps from 10 to 17.
21> This time after second Sajdah do not go back to Qayam (standing up) but go back to Jalsa (sitting) but now it's called Qaidah.
Now read, >"Atta Hiyaatu al mubaarakaatu as-salawaatu at taiyibaatu lillaah. Assalaamu 'alaika ai-yuhan nabiyyu warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh. Assalaamu 'alaina wa'alaa ibaadillaahisw-saalihin. Ashadu An La ilaha illallah Wa Ashadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuluhu.''
> ''Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad( if you are praying 3 or 4 rakats, stop there and stand) wa'alaa aali MuHammad. Kamaa saallaita 'alaa Ibrahiima wa'alaa aali Ibraahim. Wabaarik 'alaa MuHammad wa'alaa aali Muhammad. Kamaa baarakta Ibraahiima wa'alaa aali Ibraahiim. Fil 'aalamiina innaka Hamidum Majid. "
Note 1: When you reach at Ashadu An La raise your index finger of your right hand upward facing about 45 degrees by closing the fist, and drop it back and spread the hand to its original position at illal Lahu.
Wait a little. (see image above)
22> Now turn your head towards right and say, "Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah"
Now turn your head towards left and read the same as above, "Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah" (see image)
Salah is complete now.(for 2 rakats)
Note 2: If a person is praying three rakats: then he should stand up after reciting 'Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad'(mentioned above) then should say "Allahu Akbar" and raise his hands as he did in Takbir Tahrimah start his recitation with of Basmalah, Surah Al-Fatihah. This time we don't recite short surah(or ayats). After surah al-fatihah, say "Allah Hu Akbar" and bow (ruku) again, and then stand up, sajda, jalsa, sajda again and finally repeat step 21 and then step 22.
Note 3: If a person is praying four rakats: we will do same things as Note 2 except from repeating step 21 and 22. after sajda again, we should stand up, and recite basmalah and surah al Fatiha, then bow (ruku), and then stand up, sajda, jalsa, sajda again and finally repeat step 21 and then step 22.
Note 4: Above mentioned procedure it for men. Women performs some parts differently but can still use the same arabic text(ayats, duas etc...) differences in women will bew added soon.
Amounts of rakats for each time are:
Fajr = First two rakat Sunnat then two rakat Fard
Zuhr =First four rakat Sunnat then four rakat Fard then two rakat sunnat
Asr =First four rakat sunnat then Four rakat Fard
Maghrib = First three rakat Fard then two rakat Sunnat
Isha = First Four rakat Sunnat, then four rakat Fard then two rakat sunnat then three rakats sunnat(vitir).
>> The reason we will be asking you to 'wait a little' through out the directions is to separate the Arabic qirat so that the meaning will not change. It is very important.
>> When you are asked to 'Say' or 'Recite' or 'Read' in the directions. The sound must not be loud and at the same time not totally silent. It should be loud enough just for your ears to hear it and not so loud that a person next to you would be able to hear your recitation clearly. If a person next to you could hear only a mimic from you, that's fine. If you are surrounded by noise such as a fan's noise and you are not able to understand your recitation, it is okay. In an utmost quite room you should be able to understand your recitation. In any case must say it lound enough as mentioned above.
Some Information About Salah in Shafi'i:
>> You must be with Wudu for all Salahs.
>> Obeying tadil-i arkan is fard in the shafi'i maddhab. (Remember that A namaz<salah> is never valid when one of its fard acts is omitted)
>> Shafi'is who owe namazes(salats) from previous years cannot offer sunnat or voluntary namazes, but it is fard upon them to make up for these namazes.
>> A woman's leading other women in namaz(salah) is permissible in the Shafi'i Madhhab
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, a woman’s whole body, except her two hands and her face, is awrah all the time.
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, it is fard (obligatory) to recite Surat al-Fatiha behind the imam.
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, it is sunnat for men to perform salat barefoot.
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, it is makruh to perform salat in clothes on which there is a picture of a living thing.
If the picture of a living thing in a room where a person is performing salat does not distract attention from salat, it does not render salat makruh in the Shafi’i Madhhab, no matter where it is in the room. (source: İslam Ahlakı)
If you have any question about salah, please contact us
1> Stand up facing Kabah. It is called Qayam( or qiyam). The space between feet should be about a hand span (not more). They should be pointing towards Kabah.
2> Say, "I pray four rakah (or two, three etc..) Fard of salat al-isha <or asr, fajr etc..> (if its Fard or say Sunnat if its Sunnat or Say Nafil if its Nafil) for Allah Tala ( you can add'Face towards Kabah')". If praying behind Imam add "Behind this Imam". It is called Niyat (niyyah, Intention).
It is fard to say the Niyat. Niyat is made in your heart, you can made niyat verbally as well (with heart). Uttering niyat by mouth is sunnat in tha Shafi'i Maddhab. (making niyat in heart is obligatory and must be made with Allah Hu Akbar at the same time)
3> Raise both of your hands next to each ears. Touch the lobes of your each ear with thumbs. Palms must be towards Kabah. Then say "Allah Hu Akbar"
4> Place the hands above navel and to the left, right hand on top of left hand. Thumb and the index finger should be wraped around the wrist of left hand's wrist. Rest of the three fingers of right hand should be held the left hand. see image
5> Now Read, “Veccehtu vechiye lillezi fetares-semavati vel-erda hanifen muslimen vema ene minel-muşrikine inne salati ve nüsuki ve mahyaye ve memati lillahi rabbil-alemine laşerike lehu ve bizalike umirtu ve ene minel-muslimine.” Wait a little.
6> Then read, "Auzu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajim" Wait a little.
Then read, "Bismillah Hir Rahmaanir Rahim" Wait a little.
7> Then read Surah Fatiha, "Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil Aalamin Ar Rahmaanir Rahim Maaliki Yaomid Din iyya Kana Budu Wa iyya kanastain ihdinas Siratual Mustaqim Siratual Lazina An Amtaa Alaihim Ghairil Maghdubi Alaihim Walad Duallin...Amin" Wait a little.
8> Then read, "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Rahim". Wait a little.
9> Then read any surrah from Quran or at least three Ayats(at least 30 letters). For example; " Wal A'sre Innal Insaana Lafi Khusr illal Lazina Aamanu Wa A'milus Sualihaati Wa Tawa Sau Bil Haqqi Wa Tawa Sau Bis Sabr " Wait a little.
10> Then Say "Allah Hu Akbar" and bow (its called Ruku), hold your knees with your hands. The fingers should be separated with gaps in them. The back should be horizontally strait in line like a board. (see image)
11> Recite, "Subhaana Rabbiyal Azim we bihamdihi" at least three times. Wait a little.
12> Then start to stand up saying, "Sami Allahu Layman Hamidah - Rabbana Lakal Hamd" Start to say Sami when leaving Rukh (bowing poster) and end with Hamidah when you are fully erect. Wait a little.
13> Now say, "Allah Hu Akbar"

14> Now go to Sajdah (placing face on ground). In sajdah all the fingers of feet should be twisted so that the round soft part of the fingers is touching the ground. Hands should be on the same line with shoulders. Hand fingers shouldn't be separated with gaps and should be facing Kabah in strait line. Put enough pressure on nose so that the bone of nose should feel the hardness of earth (do not hurt your self but should be firm). Arms should be away from body like a bird opens the wings. see image
15> Now read, "Subhaana Rabbiyal Aa'la we bi hamdihi" at least three times. Wait a little,
16> Now sit down on your left foot (It's called Jalsa. Jalsa means, Sitting for a while between the two sajdas) the right foot should be sticking out and all of the foot fingers should be twisted. The soft part of the foot fingers should touch the ground. see image. Sit for the amount of time you could say Subhan Allah.(Tadil-i Arkan)
17> Now go back to sajdah and perform as you did before Jalsa.
18> After completing second sajdah, sit for a while then get up and go back to Qayam (standing up) Saying "Allah Hu Akbar". Then read , "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Rahim" Wait a little,
19> Now again read Surah Fatiha, Wait a little,
20> Then read, "Bismillahir Rahamaanir Rahim" Wait a little,
Then again read any surrah from Quran or at least three Ayats(at least 30 letters). Here is another small one. Surah Al kausar, "Innaa Aataina Kal Kauser Fasalli Li Rabbi Ka Vanhar Inna Shaaniaka Hual Abtar". Wait a little and repeat the steps from 10 to 17.
21> This time after second Sajdah do not go back to Qayam (standing up) but go back to Jalsa (sitting) but now it's called Qaidah.
Now read, >"Atta Hiyaatu al mubaarakaatu as-salawaatu at taiyibaatu lillaah. Assalaamu 'alaika ai-yuhan nabiyyu warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh. Assalaamu 'alaina wa'alaa ibaadillaahisw-saalihin. Ashadu An La ilaha illallah Wa Ashadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuluhu.''
> ''Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad( if you are praying 3 or 4 rakats, stop there and stand) wa'alaa aali MuHammad. Kamaa saallaita 'alaa Ibrahiima wa'alaa aali Ibraahim. Wabaarik 'alaa MuHammad wa'alaa aali Muhammad. Kamaa baarakta Ibraahiima wa'alaa aali Ibraahiim. Fil 'aalamiina innaka Hamidum Majid. "
Note 1: When you reach at Ashadu An La raise your index finger of your right hand upward facing about 45 degrees by closing the fist, and drop it back and spread the hand to its original position at illal Lahu.
Wait a little. (see image above)

Now turn your head towards left and read the same as above, "Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rehmatullah" (see image)
Salah is complete now.(for 2 rakats)
Note 2: If a person is praying three rakats: then he should stand up after reciting 'Allahumma salli 'alaa Muhammad'(mentioned above) then should say "Allahu Akbar" and raise his hands as he did in Takbir Tahrimah start his recitation with of Basmalah, Surah Al-Fatihah. This time we don't recite short surah(or ayats). After surah al-fatihah, say "Allah Hu Akbar" and bow (ruku) again, and then stand up, sajda, jalsa, sajda again and finally repeat step 21 and then step 22.
Note 3: If a person is praying four rakats: we will do same things as Note 2 except from repeating step 21 and 22. after sajda again, we should stand up, and recite basmalah and surah al Fatiha, then bow (ruku), and then stand up, sajda, jalsa, sajda again and finally repeat step 21 and then step 22.
Note 4: Above mentioned procedure it for men. Women performs some parts differently but can still use the same arabic text(ayats, duas etc...) differences in women will bew added soon.
Amounts of rakats for each time are:
Fajr = First two rakat Sunnat then two rakat Fard
Zuhr =First four rakat Sunnat then four rakat Fard then two rakat sunnat
Asr =First four rakat sunnat then Four rakat Fard
Maghrib = First three rakat Fard then two rakat Sunnat
Isha = First Four rakat Sunnat, then four rakat Fard then two rakat sunnat then three rakats sunnat(vitir).
>> The reason we will be asking you to 'wait a little' through out the directions is to separate the Arabic qirat so that the meaning will not change. It is very important.
>> When you are asked to 'Say' or 'Recite' or 'Read' in the directions. The sound must not be loud and at the same time not totally silent. It should be loud enough just for your ears to hear it and not so loud that a person next to you would be able to hear your recitation clearly. If a person next to you could hear only a mimic from you, that's fine. If you are surrounded by noise such as a fan's noise and you are not able to understand your recitation, it is okay. In an utmost quite room you should be able to understand your recitation. In any case must say it lound enough as mentioned above.
Some Information About Salah in Shafi'i:
>> You must be with Wudu for all Salahs.
>> Obeying tadil-i arkan is fard in the shafi'i maddhab. (Remember that A namaz<salah> is never valid when one of its fard acts is omitted)
>> Shafi'is who owe namazes(salats) from previous years cannot offer sunnat or voluntary namazes, but it is fard upon them to make up for these namazes.
>> A woman's leading other women in namaz(salah) is permissible in the Shafi'i Madhhab
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, a woman’s whole body, except her two hands and her face, is awrah all the time.
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, it is fard (obligatory) to recite Surat al-Fatiha behind the imam.
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, it is sunnat for men to perform salat barefoot.
>> In the Shafi’i Madhhab, it is makruh to perform salat in clothes on which there is a picture of a living thing.
If the picture of a living thing in a room where a person is performing salat does not distract attention from salat, it does not render salat makruh in the Shafi’i Madhhab, no matter where it is in the room. (source: İslam Ahlakı)
If you have any question about salah, please contact us
if we lost 2 rakats, at the back of imam, so what should we recite in that 2 rakats.
ReplyDeleteAfter imam completes salah, yo have to perform two rakats. In first rakat, you recites veccehtu, fatiha and a short surah, in second rakat, you recites fatiha and a short surah..
DeleteAfter Imam performs the salaam, you have to continue with the other two raka-ath(without perfoming salam).
DeleteIf you are performing your last two raka-aths of any four raka-ath (Zuhr/Asr/Isha) namaz, you read only Fatihah in two raka-aths
If It's Fajr, you recite Fatihah with any Surah (which is optional) in both raka-aths. and
If it's Magrib, you recite Fatihah & a Surah (which is optional) in your first raka-ath after the imam's salam and only Fatihah in the subsequent raka-ath.
This is according to Shaafii' Madhab...
Hope you understand now... rest
ALLAH (SWT) knows best...
um yeah i have doubt in this...
DeleteWhen should we raise our index finger while sitting for thasha-hud? and whne we whould we return it to normal position?
ReplyDeleteWhen you reach at ''Ashadu An La'' raise your index finger of your right hand upward facing about 45 degrees by closing the fist, and drop it back and spread the hand to its original position at ''illal Lahu''.
Deletethanks for the article
ReplyDeleteAssalam-o-alaikum.What are the differences in Salah of women from men.Please give the reference of books of shafii madhhab and also explain with Ahadith . I need urgent reply.
ReplyDeleteWa alaikumsalam, the shape of binding hands are different in Qiyam(qayam).. Hands and arms are in different positions in sajdah, and also they are in different positions while reciting takbirs (tekbirs). Sitting(jalsa) position is different too.
DeleteIs it compulsory to cling the body to the earth while prostration and pressing stomach with thighs ? and what about the hadith that prostrate on 7 organs?Arms should be away from body or not?and can you please explain with reference to ahadith?and what about ruku is it compulsory to not bend like men?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteA woman should cling her body to the earth as much as possible.. In sajda (prostration) position, she should place her arms on the floor in a manner close to her abdomen and keep her abdomen over her thighs. When bowing for ruku, She bends her waist a little. She does not keep her head level with her back. She bends her knees and puts her hands on them. She does not grasp her knees or spread her fingers over them. (Reference: (Radd-ul-mukhtar, Tahtawi)
DeleteIs it ok to pray zuhr qaza between asr and maghrib?
ReplyDeleteExcept from the karahat time, it is ok.
Deleteyou mixing hanafi rules with shafi school. ex: ladies pray exactly as men. in pictures one does not see raising hand before and after ruku'.
ReplyDeleteI thought Shaafi do rafa-e-dain before going in to rukuh and before going into sajood? Is this true?
ReplyDeleteYes. Shafi do Rafa yadain before and after ruku and after standing for third rakat after reciting tashhud
Deletedo aadhan and iqamat is wajib or sunnah for a man?
ReplyDelete>> Shafi'is who owe namazes(salats) from previous years cannot offer sunnat or voluntary namazes, but it is fard upon them to make up for these namazes.
You have to make up those namazes. And according to scholars you should avoid the sunnah prayers and make up the lost prayers first. Don't forget to pray the daily prayers at its time itself.(While making up salah, take the number of years correctly if you have doubt-for example if you have doubt it is 4 or 5 years, take it as 5)
Delete>> Shafi'is who owe namazes(salats) from previous years cannot offer sunnat or voluntary namazes, but it is fard upon them to make up for these namazes.
Assalamualaikum Brother/Sister
DeleteKhairiyat Brother 💝 Sister
Sorry I Know Some Hadith, Sunnath But I am sure that Allah will guide You And Me through the blessings of the prophet Mohammed ﷺ In Sha Allah 🙌
It's a good thing you Realized the Mistake.😊 May Allah forgive your sins and accept your prayers Amin
Oh Allah forgive us for the sake of the prophet Mohammed ﷺ 🙏
If there is something you want to ask ALLAH (SWT) START Praying
Tahajjud. May Allah make you a firm believer and keep you safe from your sins, whether small or big.Allah is very merciful he will forgive 😊🙌🙏 Ameen Ya Allah 🙏
It is very helpful or all momins:-)
ReplyDeleteI live in Indonesia, and we are Shafi'i . We say Basmala in namaz because it's part of the surah, and I don't think we should put our index finger back down during "illallahu". We point it during "Illallahu" instead than not putting it back down until the end of the namaz.
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeletePlease can someone tell me how many fardh and sunnah rakaat should SHAFI read in the Isha salaah.
ReplyDeleteGreatly appreciate.
Is any problem in shaafi mazhab when women pray like;in sujood ...ifthiraash
ReplyDeleteAslm wlkm, can somone please tell me, in fard namaz of Isha behind imam, I missed two rakahts, I joined in third, so do I have to read only alhamdu in all four, what's the procedure as per Shafi maslak
ReplyDeleteCan we move our index finger in tashahud like salafis does
ReplyDeleteIf you are shafi but you learned hanafi tareeka from childhood, is it ok to perform salah with hanafi tareeka?
ReplyDeleteaslmk wrwb,
ReplyDeleteon first rakaat after first sujud than sitting jalsa,is there any recitation in imam shafie salah.
I need to ask about vitr. When to read duaa qunoot? In fajir or in isha
ReplyDeletePlease also add jummah prayers total rakats and how to perform witr please give step by step guide